
This Week’s Offer

Daily Decrees for Divine Healing Signed Book

Isaiah 53:5 “He was wounded for our rebellious acts. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so that we could have peace, and we received Healing form His wounds.”

God wants you to thrive in this life and it is time to declare it! If the Bible promises God’s children health and wholeness, why do we still struggle? Jesus already paid the ultimate price for your healing and it is time to declare it!

For your gift of $35 or more, you’ll receive:

  • A signed copy of Brenda Kunneman’s new “Daily Decrees for Divine Healing” book

Click here to get these resources or call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #225


In His Likeness

With all that is happening in the world right now, people are confused and looking for answers. It is easy to become deceived by things that sound right, but do they really reflect biblical truth?

It’s time for the Body of Christ to walk in Victory and not dwell on past failures. These powerful tools will strengthen your walk with the Lord and encourage you to stand strong in troubled times.


For your gift of $40 or more, you’ll receive:

  • Hank and Brenda Kunneman’s Book: “In His Likeness”
  • Hank and Brenda Kunneman’s CD series: “Rebuilding the Foundations”

Call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #720 or Click Here for these Resources

God’s Redemptive Plan

Psalm 111:9 “He provided redemption for His people; He ordained His covenant forever Holy and Awesome is His name.”

When it seems like we are living in dark times with evil all around, God still has a plan of Hope. The story of Noah and the Ark holds many truths that are still relevant today. As God cleansed the earth of evil, His redemption was poured out to all of mankind. His mercies and redemptive power are waiting for you and your family!

With this three-part series, we will learn that despite life’s challenges, His blessings are waiting and available for all believers.

For your gift of $30 or more, you’ll receive:

Hank Kunneman’s CD series: “God’s Redemptive Plan”
Call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #624 or Click Here for these Resources


Psalm 113:4 “The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory above the Heavens!”

We have all seen the rise of evil and chaos in the Earth, but the power of our decree can change the course of cities, nations, and governments. God cares about all the nations of the Earth, and He is calling the Church to fearlessly rise up in this hour and help establish His plans by decreeing what the Scriptures say about our governments, civic matters, moral issues, and nations.

With these life-changing tools you will learn that you are not powerless. You have a weapon that if activated can supernaturally shift the course of our nation, protect your family, expose corruption, and turn around hopeless situations.

For your gift of $35 or more, you’ll receive:

  • Brenda Kunneman’s Book: Daily Decree for Government and Nations
  • Brenda Kunneman’s audio teaching “Praying for Government and Nations”

Call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #424 or Click Here for these Resources

How to be Led by the Spirit

Psalm 119 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

These powerful insights will teach us how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading in every situation. There are many prophetic words, but what is accurate and what is false? Learn how to recognize a genuine prophetic word. This tool will guide all believers who are struggling to find their way through this sometimes-confusing Christian journey.

For your gift of $35 or more, you’ll receive:
• Hank Kunneman’s CD Set: “How to be Led by the Spirit.”
• Brenda Kunneman’s CD: “How to Recognize Genuine Prophecy.”
• Brenda Kunneman’s Book “The Roadmap to Divine Direction.”

Click here to get these resources or Call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #224


Amos 3:7 “Surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”

These teachings will show us that seasons come and go and that powerful change is coming to your life and all who follow Jesus. You also won’t want to miss out on Pastors Hank and Brenda’s CD with a series of decrees, promises, and blessings to all believers in 2024!

For your gift of $50 or more, you’ll receive:

  • Hank Kunneman’s CD Set: How to Recognize Prophetic Indicators of Change
  • Hank and Brenda Kunneman’s CD: Change is in the Air: Decree over your year
  • Change is in the Air Notebook

Click here to get these resources or call us at (855) 777-7907 and mention Offer #124