

Jan 17, 2024 | Daily Decrees, Decrees Just for Kids

I decree that I get good rest and amazing sleep.
I am never afraid at bedtime and I am not fearful of anything.
I am happy when it’s time to go to bed!
I declare that I fall asleep quickly and peacefully because the Lord gives me good rest!
I sleep comfortably at night, and I thank God for providing me a good bed to sleep in and the perfect pillow for my head!
I sleep soundly and don’t wake up during the night!
I declare nothing shall interrupt my sleep. I say that all my dreams are good dreams.
I say that I will not have bad dreams or nightmares in Jesus’ Name!
I am a child of God, and that means I always rest and sleep well!

You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly
(Proverbs 3:24).

Sleep is pretty important isn’t it? Yet sometimes our sleep can get interrupted by things. Maybe it’s fear that interrupts our sleep, or sometimes we just feel restless. But one of God’s key promises is that He is the one who wants us to rest peacefully. Also, He will help us sleep well. He has given us the power over anything from the devil that would try to steal our peaceful sleep. We can declare that we have only good dreams when we sleep and that our mind will not be invaded by bad dreams. Another thing that can help us sleep well is being sure to straighten our bed before sleeping in it. That’s why it’s helpful to make your bed in the morning! Little things like fixing our bed and fluffing up our pillow can help us rest. It’s also important to go to bed early enough so you have time for a full night of sleep. We all need that! Just know today that God is the one who gives us sleep, and we should look forward to bedtime and always having a good night’s rest! Sweet dreams!