

Jan 17, 2024 | Daily Decrees, Decrees Just for Kids

I decree that I do well in school. I have the ability to learn quickly, complete my assignments, and pass tests.
I say that I will receive awards and extra points.
I have creative ideas from the Lord.
I declare that I am successful in school with others.
I have favor with the teachers, my friends and peers, and everyone I meet.
I declare that I will not be bullied, pushed around, or disliked in Jesus’ Name.
I say that in school I am protected by God’s heavenly angels who watch over me and that no harm or evil can befall me or my school.
I say my days at school are good days, not bad days.
I decree that I have a good school year, this year and every year!

The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do
(Deuteronomy 28:8).

School days are meant to be good days, but they can often be filled with challenges. Trying to finish assignments, pass a test, and also manage friendships can be a lot to do sometimes! Some years are harder than others depending on who your teachers are, what friends you meet, and what classes you have to take. But God doesn’t want your time at school to be difficult. In fact, He promises that everything you do will be blessed by Him. The Bible verse above reminds us that the Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do. Sometimes days at school may not feel blessed because we don’t know about this promise. Consider what can happen if you will begin each day declaring that God will bless everything you need to do that day. Even if you know there are challenging things to face that day, start saying God will guarantee His blessing. Then watch God get in the middle of everything in front of you. God wants you to be blessed at school and to know that He is with you to make it happen. Declare that you are successful in school!