Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16 ESV).
Making good use of our time is something that must be proactively practiced. Whenever a new year comes, people often begin by working on their schedule in an effort to be better organized. Timeliness, naturally speaking, is important to success. There are countless reasons why punctuality is so important—a couple being that it’s respectful to others and also puts you at an advantage. But it’s not just important to be punctual in the natural realm. We need to be in step with God’s timing. We can’t get ahead of God or lag behind Him. The way to ensure we walk in God’s perfect timing is by declaring it and asking God to reveal His perfect timing in everything we do. Believe God today that you will never be too early, never be late, and always be right on time!
Taken from The Daily Decree devotional book published by Destiny Image. For a complete collection of Brenda Kunneman’s daily decrees, click here to order The Daily Decree.