Check out this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman on Sunday, October 30, 2022, where the Spirit of the Lord has declared that He’s bringing deliverance to the nation of America! Just as He remembered His covenant with Israel and delivered them out of the snares of the enemy, God also hears, sees, and remembers the covenant that He made with the United States of America.
Do not be moved by natural dates, times, or even outcomes for these are but distractions. God has declared that His people have seen enough of what evil looks like and what harshness feels like. Now the Righteous Judge is overruling the enemy and injecting His goodness in ways that His people have not seen before.
Let’s come in agreement as the Body of Christ with lifted hands decreeing that the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever!
Prophetic Word: Pastor Hank Kunneman October 30, 2022 11:30AM Sunday Service
Location: Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE
Song of Deliverance:
Do you remember, says the spirit of God, a song of deliverance as Miriam and the women on the timbral and the harps began to sing a song of deliverance, the song of Moses and the song of the land declaring that the horse and the rider has been thrown into the sea? It was a song of victory and deliverance of the horse. What they tried to use; the horse was thrown into the sea. Come on, every attempt to steal, kill, or destroy I prophecy be thrown into the sea, be thrown into the sea, and the riders, those that are carrying out an evil agenda, you shall be overthrown by the hand of the Lord. I stand. I stand over the land now. Turn, turn, turn! The way of righteousness, the way of justice, the way of truth, the way of life. Shatter witchcraft. Shatter the appointments and the schedules of satanic agendas. Scatter them like lightning. The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance upon America now.
God’s Covenant / Deliverance to America / Midterms / God’s Goodness & Mercy:
Israel, in the midst of crying out In their bondage, yet God heard, God saw. But My Word declares that the Lord remembered, remembered his covenant. And so I say to you that are in fear in this time I have heard, I have seen, and I have remembered not only my covenant, my plan, but the covenants that are upon this nation. What did I do? I brought deliverance to Israel, and I bring deliverance to you America. Be not moved for at the time of the midday when the prophets of Baal dressed themselves, cut themselves, prophesied and cried aloud to seek the attention of the people. Yet I was silent. I did not answer until the time of a little bit of time that passed of the evening sacrifice, and I responded. Do not be moved by natural dates, times, outcomes, for they will carry on and they will cry. They will create a scene. They will even dress it up. But wait, This Is my time. This is my time, says the Lord. You have seen enough of what evil looks like. You have seen enough of what harshness feels like. Yet now you’ll see my judgements and you will see my mercy and I will inject my goodness in a way that you have not seen before. And with this goodness, it shall be as in the days when the prophet Elisha stood up and said, This time tomorrow things will change, and you will eat to your heart’s content. Do not judge the midday as the final outcome of midterms. It is my turn. It is my turning, says the spirit of God.
Lift Your Hands & Speak God’s Goodness & Mercy Endures Forever = Victory:
David said something that I hear the Lord say, Psalm, say it again Lord. In the book of Psalms, Psalm 1:41, it says, David lifted his hands at the time of the evening sacrifice. Moses lifted his hands. God says, Your hands even now proceed many victories. Do not speak what you see. Do not speak, while some will report and want you to believe through your media. But you are to say this is my turning [God’s turning], my turn [God’s turn]. And you are to speak with your hands lifted and you are to speak what brought ambushment to the enemy where they turned upon one another in the days of Jehoshaphat. For they said from their mouth, The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever. The greater I hear this from my people, the greater the results will be and the celebrations and the victory upon this land.