

Mar 29, 2023 | Pastor Brenda Kunneman, Pastor Hank Kunneman, Prophetic Perspectives

Read and be encouraged by these powerful prophecies by Pastors Hank And Brenda Kunneman on Feb. 9, 2023, where the Lord has declared that His goodness is touching the nations of the earth like never before! God is bringing about an awakening to the greatest outpouring of His glory that the world has ever known! Watch as many in the sports, entertainment, and political realms repent and call upon the Lord to be saved. Look as sudden changes begin to sweep across nations including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom as God restores divine order! 

Continue to stay connected to the presence of God and watch and see his goodness take shape in your life! 


Location: TV Studio at Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE
Recorded on February 9, 2023

Prophetic Word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman:

(Souls Saved – In Political, Sports, Entertainment, Streets; Corruption Exposed):

“But it shall be the goodness of God that shall lead many to repentance. Why?” says the Spirit of God. “Because the earth has come into an awakening, and this awakening is an awakening of souls that shall be saved. And you shall be shocked at those who shall call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. And you will see it in the political realm. You will see it in sports and entertainment. You will see it even in your families. You will see it and hear of it on the streets and in the highways and the byways for there is an awakening that is coming at this time,” says the Spirit of God, “because of my goodness that leads men to repentance, but also my goodness shall be seen as things shall continually be exposed of the deep corruption that is in the earth and has been in the earth, and those who have perpetrated lies and have been part of evil schemes and plans. It is my goodness for the people who have been harassed, who have been lied to that shall see my justice and my righteousness come for this is an expression of my goodness,” says the Spirit of God.


(Nations / New Zealand / Australia / United Kingdom / Canada / America):

“And I am sweeping through the nations. Watch the sudden changes that shall take place even in New Zealand and in Australia. And this shall spread out into the United Kingdom. And then they’ll say, ‘Watch, look at what happened. Yes, even in the Ukraine, that God has settled something with his goodness and brought beauty out of ashes’. And then you will hear of that which comes and erupts once again in Brazil and this shall be reset in divine order,” says the Spirit of God, “for my goodness will even touch Canada as there will be an absolute shaking of the leadership and the answers to many who have stood in prayer. You’ll see it in Canada, and I’ve not forgotten you, America, this is the time of my goodness for you that shall bring reset and reversal in a tremendous way,” says the Living God.

Prophetic Word given by Pastor Brenda Kunneman:

(God’s Goodness / Revival / Greatest Hour of God’s Glory):

“And know this,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “my eye is still searching. My eye is searching to and fro, and I’m looking for those whose heart is in the right place, [those] who are connected to me,” says God, “so that I may display my goodness in their lives. And so,” the Lord says, “I look to you today to display my goodness. Do you see it,” says the Spirit of Grace. “Do you see my goodness working for you, through you, in you, and coming towards you? Know this,” says the Lord, “for I am working, and I am manifesting myself afresh among my people. And yes, the wells of revival shall be redone,” says the Spirit of Grace, “for watch, this is the greatest hour of the move of my glory that this world has ever known!”