Watch this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman on May 1, 2022 as the Spirit of the Lord has declared that as things heat up there will be a great heat upon the land, followed by a cooling of disruption and divine intervention as a sign that the countering of God’s hand is in motion.
Watch as goodness, mercy, rest, rejoicing, and celebration will mark the season that God is bringing us into! Stay encouraged as it has been proclaimed that fear does not win and lies will not continue to prevail!
And we watch. We watch as there will be heat, Great heat upon the earth. And then suddenly, a strange cool front shall arise, and they will say this is odd, this is strange. But God is, Things are heating up and will even be a sign in the natural with the heat and the temperatures. This that shall come by way of cooling shall be the time and the hour that men shall look to God. This will be a sign. And God holds the wind in his fists. Stills the waters, extinguishes the fires, blows the smoke that fills the air, and brings a cooling to many things that seem out of control and heated up. This would be a sign. Intervention. Disruption. Shall begin to set things in a countering motion. His goodness and mercy. Rest, rejoicing, and celebration is upon the horizon of the heavens, and yes, it shall be the manifestation that shall be heard and demonstrated in the earth. For things shall not stay as they have been.
Thank you, Lord.
And I will show that fear does not win. Lies will not continue to prevail. There have been some that have been in silence. Thinking that they could get by with what they have done. What they did. What they cooperated with, that has caused the harshness upon this land. And the confusion. And that which is unjust, even politically. But there is something that is about to take place. As the temperatures arise in the earth, so shall the countering that I shall bring against the spirit of fear. I shall bring my fear that will cause men to speak now. To save, so they would think, their own necks and future. And God says they will speak. And they will point the finger one towards another. Great turning upon one another shall be upon the networks, shall be among the politicians, and shall be among those who were paid for or paid to, for the stealing of your election. And those that cast their votes for the electoral count.
Watch. Their hands are sweating. Their foreheads are filled with sweat. Because of what my hand will bring. I will count your fear with my fear. And I will counter with the lies my truth that shall bring many things to light now. Men have cried and said, Lord, how much longer? God says it’s not been long enough, because much has been done. Now not only will I accelerate my agenda, but I will accelerate my countering with my hand of fear. Truth. Justice will prevail. And God says the day is quickly at hand. Where it will not be the discussion of this one missed it that one missed it, who was right, who was wrong. For the celebration and the resetting of my hand shall be so great in the land, that they will say it does not matter.