Watch this prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman during Opening the Heavens Conference on September 18, 2021 concerning God’s season “The Fall”.
They will say ‘global warming’ and they continue to say it, but are you ready, says the Living God, for My global warming? You say, ‘God what do you mean?’ Things shall begin to be heated up at the work of My hand, says the Living Lord. Things are going to get intense; things are going to begin to heat up, and yes there will be signs even in the natural as records, extreme temperatures shall be upon the lands. And then they will say, ‘we do not understand, it seems as though things are unpredictable in the temperatures and what should be happening at the time of this fall through the winter’. But you are not entering in just into natural seasons, you are entering into My season of the fall, and it shall be a long fall as there is a long list that I will check off that shall fall in the earth.
The agendas shall fall. The strongholds of satanic principalities and powers and their agendas will fall. Legislations that they will use words like mandate, shall fall. And what shall collapse and fall before the television screens of the earth. Are you ready? For in My season of the fall spirits, ancient spirits of darkness, like in the days of Goliath who stood to taunt, to intimidate you, to bring fear and to seize you. They shall flex their muscles with their military might. They shall flex their muscles with threats. They will flex their muscles to seek to attack your bread and your water systems. But I have blessed your bread and I have blessed your water and I will take sicknesses and diseases away, including what they say is a virus!
Are you ready for the fall? Are you ready for My fall? Are you ready for My fall? Do you hear My voice, are you ready for My fall?