On Sunday, November 3, 2024, a strong prophetic word was released by Pastor Hank Kunneman concerning a promise that the Spirit of the Lord has made to His people regarding the United States of America. In this prophecy, the Spirit of God has confirmed that during this past season of testing and trial, He has watched a remnant take a stand for righteousness, justice, and the kingdom of God. He has watched His remnant fight to preserve biblical values and He’s watched how His people have prayed and asked for a rebuilding and reform to take place in this nation.
God has seen and heard these things and has promised a new season of acceleration where He is stepping in through divine intervention and bringing the wicked to a place of His justice. In this accelerated season we will also see:
- Removals
- Overturnings
- Attempted steals appealed
- Shameful, embarrassing moments for the wicked
- Victories for the righteous
We have entered into a time where we will see the satisfaction of the Lord and we must not become complacent. We must continue to press in and exercise our spiritual authority through prayer. As we celebrate God’s victories, the enemy will continue to collaborate.
Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024; Speaker: Pastor Hank Kunneman
Location: Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE; Event: 9:00AM Sunday Service
Do not think it is strange that those who have stood for righteousness and for things that are right; for life, for children, for me, your God. Do not think that it is strange that you are referred to as garbage. Must I remind you that there was a moment in a nation, in its history, when there was rubble, to walls that were torn down in the days of Nehemiah? It had become garbage, even among the streets they spoke it, they thought it, and Nehemiah rose and looked at the rubble and what it had become of their
nation, of the walls, yet he stood as you have stood. He gathered a people as you have gathered says the spirit of God, and they stood with their wives, their children, their families and they said we will stand in a time when things are but rubble, and we will build, and we will bring a sword, and I have watched. I have watched you stand; I have watched you build and to seek for a rebuilding in a reform of your country, and I’ve seen you fight, and I say as the walls were complete in accelerated time, this is my promise unto those who have stood as in the days of Nehemiah. I will accelerate this nation, therefore pay attention, there will be many shameful embarrassing moments that shall arise, and I do not speak of just a day, I speak of days, weeks, months and in the coming years. I have said that the evildoers, the wicked, would have their place and it should be the lake of fire, and it shall be. Yet, there is a place before that day, and I have chosen this hour to bring the evil ones and the wicked to a place of my righteousness and my justice.
Therefore, I will embarrass through numbers, through seats that will be overturned and removed, attempted steals that will be appealed and victories that will come unto this nation and it will not come all at one time, but it will come, and you shall see and receive your satisfaction but so shall I; for this is my hour, this is why they cry, they cheat, and will continue to cheat. But there is a celebration, and as you celebrate, be prayerful, be watchful, because your enemies will collaborate. Seeking to stop, but I gather my punishing rod. You say, but that doesn’t sound like my God. You do not know that I recorded that there would be a time of Jubilee and there would be a time of the vengeance of your God; and this is my time now, because my heart has been stirred, my mercy comes, and it is extended to those who have cried for mercy. But there is judgment that comes now upon those who have been purposeful, and they have touched the children.