Read this powerful prophetic word given by Hank Kunneman on August 16, 2020:
And as I look, Father, upon the earth as a watchman, I see much, my Father, of the enemy’s plot, the enemy’s plan, the enemy’s agenda. And so I see, my Father, what he thinks that he can accomplish. And yet he shall overplay his hand. And he comes in this time to do what is his nature (to do): to steal, to kill, and to destroy. And this is what he desires to bring between now and the end of your year. And to disrupt, to divert, to deceive, even concerning your election, United States – to kill, to steal, to destroy, to bring diversion, delay, deception, through chaos of a planned thing that shall shift and reshape even things as they look now. But he has overplayed his hand in this time.
Do you think for a moment that he will unseat what I have planned? Do you think for a moment, as the heathens rage, and violence has filled the cities of your nation, that this is your future? The Spirit of God says, this is NOT what I have planned. For there is something that exists that hell is afraid of and it is what shall cause things to come into a place of law and order or righteousness and justice. It is the power of My people who have prayed; they have sought My face, and there has been a cry out from the remnant who have said “God, heal our land!”
And so I have waited. In the time that you are in now, it was as the commission was given to the prophet Jeremiah – set over the nations to root out, to destroy, to overthrow, to tear down – and this is what the season is, of what has already existed. Yet the prophet was commissioned to also build and plant. And even though there shall be that which shall come to steal, kill, and destroy, and bring chaos and diversion – My plan that has been prayed for, and continues to be prayed for by My Church, that the gates of hell will not prevail – shall pull this nation through the election and after, that the building and the planting season to raise up this nation as I have promised, shall continue, says the Spirit of the Living God.