In light of the recent news about the economy, GDP and setting a record for Q3, please read the prophecies below. Be encouraged today. God has a redemptive plan for our nation.
Prophecy by Hank Kunneman, January 26, 2020:
Watch your economy, record breaking numbers, stocks, DOW, NASDAQ, gross national product, and trade worldwide shall break and set records and this that I do shall come into your hands to prosper you to make you great, says the Lord.
Prophecy by Hank Kunneman, August 23, 2020:
There shall be an announcement of more jobs restored; the economy shall boom – and I will cancel their agenda and their reasons to think they can hang it upon the current administration to sway things in a different direction.
I stand in the midst of this land. There is too much fear and fear shall not win this election. Truth shall outweigh the lies. My peace of law and order shall outweigh the fear that has been upon this land and the chaos, says the living God.
Therefore, be comforted because VICTORY, CELEBRATION, the sound of those who will gather- yes, they will gather in anger against what shall take place. But they will see the numbers of those who have said “we’ve had enough of the chaos, the confusion, the lies,” (and they) shall outweigh the fear. Let them try to come up with a new plan; try to throw chaos and confusion; and to make even the ticket different than what it is. The God of cancellation and blotting out…has stepped in. Shout!
Prophecy by Hank Kunneman, June 1, 2020:
Watch and do not fear, those of you who have lost work. Businesses, businessmen, entrepreneurs, those who have businesses and even those with small businesses. Listen to me as I speak to you, says the Lord, for did not the Christ come to those who were fishermen, those who had their own business, and taught them how to gather the fish supernaturally to where their nets broke.
Do not think for a moment that I will excuse myself from this planet at this time. Do not think for a moment that I have forsaken you, United States, for I say at this time as I walked with the fishermen of old I shall walk with you and I shall carry this nation contrary to what they say. If I can cause my spirit to come upon Elijah the prophet to outrun the chariot of Ahab; if I can cause, when I stepped into the boat with the disciples, acceleration to the other side, than I can accelerate and I will accelerate this nation at this time through your economy, says the Spirit of God.
I can do what I have promised, do not tell me that I do not know the condition of the earth. But I speak a contrary word in the midst of that which they say recession/depression, I speak acceleration, says the Spirit of God, and I have already told you and I tell you again as I spoke to you previously and said that in the Fall of 2020 there would be a great fall. I spoke to you a double meaning that you would know that when the fall of 2020 would arise upon you that you would see the meaning of what I am saying, it shall be a great fall, says the Spirit of God, and there shall be a great fall.
Click the NEWS Links Below:
NEWS: CNBC – October 29, 2020: U.S. GDP booms at 33.1% rate in Q3, better than expected
NEWS: Bloomberg – October 29, 2020: U.S. Economy Expands at Record 33.1% Pace in 3Q