Pastors Hank and Brenda here. It’s been reported that 40% of evangelicals chose NOT to vote in the last election. Friends, our religious liberties are in jeopardy and we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines and allow the devil to take over in our nation. Thankfully, Christians are waking up to this truth and gathering together to pray and fast regarding our situation. But remember, faith without works is dead (James 2:17).
In this season, one of the greatest works we can do is to go to the polls and vote for righteousness in all levels of government. We understand that it’s easy to look at politicians and think, “I don’t like their personality.” But this is not about personality – it’s really about good vs. evil as there has become such a distinct separation across party lines in recent years. When the cry for righteousness is louder than the cry of evil, we will see things change. It is time to let your voice (vote) be heard!
We urge you to lay aside your personal preferences with regards to candidates; hold up the platforms of both parties and see what aligns with Scripture and what does not. We know that if we are voting in line with what God says in His Word, we are sure to be blessed as a nation!
We encourage you to watch the replay of a recent Prophetic Pulse where we discuss the election, and also read the summary comparison below of the party platforms. We have also included the links to the official party platforms for both parties so that you can investigate party policies for yourself.
We implore you to pray and then VOTE! We must all make sure the voice of righteousness is heard in our nation at the voting booth.
Click This Link To Read The Republican Party Platform:
Click This Link To Read The Democratic Party Platform: