

Sep 26, 2023 | Pastor Hank Kunneman, Prophetic Perspectives

Check out this anointed prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman on Sunday, August 20, 2023, where the Spirit of God has declared that His divine countering is taking place to tear down and silence the counterfeit and deceiving spirits that have tried to rule over the earth in this season. 

Do not be deceived as the multitude of strange fires that have risen up across the land have been done through the hands of man and those who have sought to use technology to harm the innocent. Watch the countering that takes place as the God of Righteousness ignites a flame of justice to expose the evil plots of those who have attempted to bring destruction to the people.

Continue to intercede in faith as the false indictment rhetoric against 45 begins to fail which shall lead to the hand of God bringing a new order and a new White House in America! This is the season where the Great I Am is releasing a sound of restoration to bring a reprieve for the years that have been stolen – It has been prophetically decreed that God’s hand is moving to restore in ’24! 


Prophetic Word spoken by Pastor Hank Kunneman August 20, 2023 Sunday 9:00AM Service
Location: Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE 

Can you hear, says the spirit of God, the sound of the footsteps of the Son of God? And it is the sound of his feet that He’s walking to and fro among the earth. You remember my word declares that all things have been placed under His feet. Yet the enemy roars about like a lion going to and fro throughout the earth, but he is afraid of the Son of God and the movements and the paths, the inspection, the justice and the righteousness that are in the feet of Yeshua. For the foundations of the throne of the most high is righteousness and justice. Do not think that the foundation is in heaven. This foundation rests in the feet of Yeshua himself. He is righteousness and He is the God of justice. Therefore, he moves and He walks among the earth at this time because there are those like Simon, the sorcerer, who has brought forth lying signs and lying wonders and counterfeits deceiving the nations and the people through witchcraft.

But God says the countering has begun and it is the sound of Yeshua’s feet that is countering the lying signs, the wonders, the counterfeits, the propagandas, and the agendas of man. And even as Simon, the sorcerer you strange, strange fire. What are these strange fires that are in the earth? Do you not understand, says the living God, that these fires have evil spirits through the hands of man? Man’s hands have been upon the fires of North America, the fires of Hawaii, and other places in the earth. Man’s hands. And they have used the sea. They have used the sky, and they have used technology of the earth to harm the innocent. Yet listen to the sound of my feet as the God of justice and righteousness finds a flame of justice that shall expose and show who have had their hand in the destruction of the earth and the nations thereof.

Therefore, pay attention. That which they say is guilty. Indictments? Do not make me laugh, nor the people of the earth that the Spirit of Truth touches, that they will say, enough of this foolishness and the plan and the fires of indictment against 45 shall fail. And God says, I will show my hand of justice and it will begin to burn brightly upon those who have pushed an agenda that they thought that they could lock up, stop my hand and my flame that shall burn like a fire through a new White House, A new order that is coming to this land of America. And I have said to you, I will restore the years that the locusts, the cankerworm, the fires that have burned among you, I will restore. 2024 shall be the moving of my hand of restoration. Says the living God.

Lift up your hands. Begin to declare the God of righteousness. The God of justice.