

Nov 14, 2019 | Daily Decrees, Pastor Brenda Kunneman


Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders (Isaiah 8:18).


When Jesus was raised from the dead and ready to return to heaven, He told His disciples that they would carry miraculous faculties upon them as they go out to share the Gospel (see Mark 16:15-18). He told them they would speak in heavenly languages, cast out demons, and lay hands on the infirm so they could be healed. Then after Jesus was received into heaven and the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost, they were endued with the ability to operate in miracles. Mark 16:20 says they went out preaching, and signs and wonders followed them. It’s always been the desire of God to manifest the miraculous upon and through His people. We aren’t meant to be a powerless church. There is a generation to reach, and they need to see His tangible power! We have been born for signs and for wonders!


aken from The Daily Decree devotional book published by Destiny Image. For a complete collection of Brenda Kunneman’s daily decrees, click here to order The Daily Decree.