Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation (Psalm 51:12).
If you have served God and been a Christian for any length of time, you can fall into the trap of familiarity with your own salvation. Of course no one intentionally does this, but in the daily grind of our schedules, the repetition of church attendance, we can make our walk with God a formula or routine without even knowing it and take our salvation for granted. It’s important to recall the moment you were first saved and gave your heart to the Lord. Think back to when you were first filled with the Spirit and the excitement that filled your soul! This is what David was saying when he asked the Lord to restore the joy of his salvation. In David’s case, he had fallen into sin, but undoubtedly that process began by him becoming familiar with his salvation in some way or another and perhaps even taking it for granted. Ask the Lord for and declare that a renewed joy in knowing Him comes upon you!
Taken from The Daily Decree devotional book published by Destiny Image. For a complete collection of Brenda Kunneman’s daily decrees, click here to order The Daily Decree.