

Jan 17, 2024 | Decrees Just for Kids

I decree that I am strong because the Lord makes me strong.
I declare I am not weak, nervous, or frightened by anything.
I say that I have mental and physical ability.
I declare that anything the enemy would do to make me feel unable or unfit cannot succeed against me in Jesus’ Name!
The supernatural strength of the Lord works inside me.
That means in everything I do, I can stand confident.
I can perform tasks with great ability and energy because I am strong.
Weakness has no place in my mind and no place in my body because I am strong in the Lord!

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
(Ephesians 6:10 NKJV).

There are lots of things in life that can try to make us feel weak. Sometimes that weakness is a feeling of physical weakness. Maybe we aren’t feeling well, or we don’t think we are athletic like others. Sometimes we might feel weak in our mind because we don’t think we are good at something. There are many things that can try to make us feel weak, but God doesn’t want us to feel that way! He wants us to feel strong! Why? Because God promises that He will give us His strength. We don’t always know how God does that, but we know it’s His promise to us. All we have to do is ask Him for strength when we feel weak or unable. We also need to say that we are strong and not spend too much time thinking about our weaknesses. We also have to be careful about what we say! We shouldn’t be speaking weakness over ourselves. While it’s good to understand the differences between the things we are really good at and the things we aren’t as good at, we can’t let weakness be the thing we focus on. Focus on what you are good at today and know that the Lord will give you strength where you need it. Declare you are strong!