

Jan 17, 2024 | Daily Decrees, Decrees For Your Family & Breakthroughs

WE decree that we live under the umbrella of God’s immeasurable goodness. His goodness reigns in our home. We live each day experiencing His goodness, grace, and mercy. We prophesy that His goodness shall pass before us as it did Moses, and we shall be placed upon the rock of a sure foundation. In our house, we declare that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. We do not focus on the negatives, disappointments, and setbacks. We break the power of any evil spirit that would come to cloud our minds and prevent us from seeing the good. We make the decision as a household to promote the good, see the good, and speak about the good acts of God in our lives. We prophesy that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and that evil cannot track us! We speak that we shall experience good things from the Lord in the days ahead and it will cause us to rejoice and shout for joy! May the goodness of the Lord always reign in our hearts, reign in our lives, and reign in our home, in Jesus’ Name!

And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy (Exodus 33:19).

One of the greatest things God wants His people to understand about His character is that He is good! Too often, religion teaches us to see God’s judgment and wrath. While God does exhibit judgment simply because He is just, we must also know that God isn’t recklessly raining judgment upon people. In fact, you often hear people question why so much evil in the world seems to go on unchecked and God seemingly doesn’t do anything. Why doesn’t God just step in to stop it? Because He is a good God! He is giving people everywhere the opportunity to repent and turn to Him. This isn’t to say evildoers will not eventually be judged; we all do reap what we sow (see Gal. 6:7). However, God wants to give people as much time as possible to turn away from evil. We see further revelation about this at the birth of Jesus, when the angels made the proclamation, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men” (see Luke 2:14). The angels were announcing that because of Jesus, God’s hand of wrath was being stayed until the appointed time. The important thing is to see that God is good! He wants to extend goodness to humanity, and He wants to extend His goodness toward you! Begin each day expecting His goodness to surround you and know that this is what He is proclaiming upon you and your family!