WE decree that effective communication is established in our home. We prophesy that we are skilled communicators and we grow in our ability to converse and articulate our thoughts. We declare according to the Word of God that we are quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. We say that we are able to control our tongues and we only speak what is good and edifying to those who hear. We declare that we have the skill to hear the hearts and minds of others through what they say, and we don’t jump to conclusions or misconstrue their words. We break the power of all manner of confusion, misunderstanding, and misjudgment. We declare that each member of our household feels accepted, understood, and appreciated for their thoughts and values. We say our minds are open to receive and absorb what others are communicating whether in thought, word, or deed. We say that our home is a place where quality communication flows freely and fluently, in Jesus’ mighty Name!
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man (Colossians 4:6).
Every successful relationship needs effective communication. In fact, one of the reasons many people turn to professional counseling is communication problems. We must understand that communication isn’t always verbal; it’s also our actions, attitude, and behavior. In fact, commonly in the King James Version of the Bible we see the word conversation used (see Eph. 4:22; Phil. 1:27), which today we associate with verbal communication. However, the word actually means behavior. What we do and how we act are forms of conversation. A person who is a skilled communicator typically isn’t the person doing all the speaking. Skilled communicators spend more time listening and absorbing information so that when they do speak, they are filled with substance and viable information rather than assumptions. If we want our family relationships to be healthy, we must become good communicators. This comes more naturally for some than others, but we must make the point to develop in this capacity. Begin by declaring that effective communication prevails in your family. Then make the point to practice what good communicators do—listen, appreciate, and then pause before responding. Behave in a mannerly way that communicates positively to those you love. Every house can have effective communication established among every member of the family!