
Declaration over the Office of the President

Jan 17, 2024 | Daily Decrees, Decrees for Governments & Nations

We decree God’s hand to rest upon our duly elected president who has been placed in office through fair and honest elections. We speak that the hand of the Lord shall lead and guide the president to make quality decisions in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. We prophesy that no fraud, deception, scheme, or plot can prevent the rightful president from holding office. We say that the president shall be one who follows biblical and moral values and stands for truth and integrity. We decree our president shall defend life, traditional marriage, and be a defender of the Church and the Gospel. We declare that no liar, deceiver, evildoer, traitor, or thief shall hold the office, in Jesus’ Name. We prophesy that the president shall love and defend America, its citizens, and its interests around the globe. Our president shall defend and support Israel. We say that our president shall surround themselves with wise counsel, godly advisors, and trustworthy allies. We declare the president shall have favor with God and man, conducting foreign affairs with wisdom and prudence. The president shall be a peacemaker, but shall stand up against terrorism and invasions, both foreign and domestic. We call upon God to direct our president to undergird our men and women in uniform and maintain a strong and stable military. We decree the President of the United States of America shall benefit this land and work for the interests of the people in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV).

Word of Encouragement
This declaration over the president truly speaks for itself, and many things even beyond this could be prayed for and declared over the highest office of the land. That Declaration over the Office of the President said, it’s easy for everyone to have their varying opinions of what a president should do, look like, and how they should behave. But the most important prayer we should pray is that our president will defend the biblical values that we as believers hold dear. While it’s probably unrealistic to think that most presidents will be among the most committed of Christians, we can certainly expect that our president will uphold a basic moral code and standard that does not undermine the Christian heritage that our nation was founded upon. We can ask God to give us presidents who do not defy and interfere with the work of the Church nationwide and who value our country’s godly foundation. When these basics are in order, the other necessary elements that surround the office will follow. Declare for God’s person to be put in place so the sanctity of our nation will be maintained. When we do so, the Bible reminds us it will lead to a quiet and peaceable life!