Deuteronomy 6:23 [KJV]
“And He brought us out from thence, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers.”
Throughout this year the Spirit of the Lord has declared significant prophetic words that point to pivotal signs and events to serve as reminders that God has remembered His covenant and is acting on our behalf. Two key themes that God has made prevalent in 2022 are the following:
- The Spirit of Truth is being poured out to counter the darkness and expose evil
- God Himself is intervening with supernatural acts by His mighty hand
It has been prophetically declared that the following signs listed below would manifest in the natural as confirmation of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the nation, and the nations of the earth – all working together to produce a great awakening that is overthrowing the agenda of hell!
- Change in (Weather) Elements
- Mass Protests
- Key Court Rulings & Overturnings
- Removals of Governmental Leaders
- Rescuing of Children
- Exposure of Corruption/Hidden Agendas
In the same way that the supernatural power of the Lord came upon Elijah who outran the chariot of Ahab in 1 Kings 18, we must remember that the nature of an authentic prophetic word is to forerun any natural event so that we train our perspective to focus on the heart and redemptive plan of the Lord first. As believers, we must remain steadfast in the promise of God’s Word by coming into agreement with Him and allowing His plan to play out. Rejoice as we are in the midst of a divine acceleration of swift changes where God Almighty is intervening to bring us out of a season of harshness and into a place of rest!
If you missed any of last night’s Prophetic Pulse event, you can watch the replay at onevoicetv.net
Also, be sure to check out the prophecies below which were referenced during the Pulse.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – November 27, 2022
“And so listen to me as I speak to you at this time. Do you hear the sound of swift change? Do you hear the sound of sudden change? Do you hear and know that there is not just rain,” but God says, “listen, I speak and I declare the word abundance for in a time when the enemy would desire to choke you, to bring you into fear because of inflation,” God says, “watch my inflation. Watch my abundance. Watch my increase that shall flatten his inflation and what the enemy has thought to cripple this nation and your economy and your finances. For I’m gonna raise up something and I will bring signs in this day for the signs shall be, listen very closely, for there shall be change, change, change in your elements. It shall be where there has been drought there will be sudden rain and there shall be an abundance of rain and it shall rain and rain and rain and rain and rain and rain. There shall be the rising of waters and there shall be floods. You say, ‘Oh God, no.’
Listen to me. Can it flood in places where they will say, ‘We do not understand why it is flooding here, but it has reached the fields. It has reached the highways, it has reached the byways, but it has stopped just before it has reached the town.’ This will be but a sign that my hand is saying to the earth that I am the Lord. It is a sign when you begin to see, God says, record numbers. It shall not be measured in inches, but it shall be measured in feet, feet, feet of snow. And you will say, ‘What is this that is happening? For they are not speaking inches. They are declaring feet. Has the earth gone mad? Has global warming changed the atmosphere? Has the earth shifted on its axis and caused these strange things?’”
God says, “when you see the size of what shall come by inches and feet, and when you see the abundance of rain, and then there shall be a strange thing that shall disrupt communications and they will say, ‘What is the sound?’ It is the sound of my hand bringing about the change. Swift changes that will begin to affect even the governments of the earth. It shall affect Brazil, it shall affect Bolivia, it shall affect Peru, it shall affect Mexico. United States, you are on my list, Canada, Australia; and watch what I do to shift Ukraine and bring things to a halt. This is the hour of swift change,” says the Spirit of God.
“Therefore, watch, for I am the God of the supreme and I will do supreme things. But one of the things you will see is supreme justice that shall come in places where they have lied, where they have stolen, where there has been fraud, where there have been treasonous acts.” God says, “enough of this, for I am a righteous judge, and so I ask you a question. Men are crying out saying, ‘Repent America.’ But my question to you,” says the Lord, “the righteous judge, shall I deliver this nation by many or by a few? Can I tell you it’s already happening by the hands of a few that I am turning this country around for your good. And you will see it and it shall be in swift changes, sudden changes, and it shall be in the signs from inches to feet, from drought to abundance of rain, from where there has been stillness of waters to flood. These will be my signs to reveal what I’m doing in this time,” says the Living God.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Oct. 17, 2021
“But I have declared to you,” says the Lord, “that this is a new era that demands a new season so watch very closely. There shall be removals, there shall be reversals, and there is a great reform. You say, ‘why is all of this happening?’” God says, “I’m allowing it to be brought to a place that My hand can reshape, reform, remove, reverse, but watch this – reset.
There shall be a resetting concerning the politics of this nation, there shall be a resetting concerning the laws and the way that you vote in the land. There shall be a resetting even of the media and how they have projected their agenda for I will force them to say what I want them to say, and I will force them in this reset to speak truth for they will not be able to speak anything else because of the forcing of My hand.
I will reset a woke culture and mentality and I will show them the foolishness of their words, of their ways, and their belief. And God says, “I’ll do it and not only as a reset. You say, ‘How will you do it God?’” The Spirit of the Lord says, “have you ever heard of being reborn? Have you ever heard of rebirth? I’m rebirthing this nation,” says the Lord, “and in the rebirthing of this nation shall be an awakening of a reborn spirit that shall cause men to see the foolishness of their ways and what they have stood for. So let the evil continue to arise to the top. Let the shaking continue. Let the evil continue to be exposed because,” God says, “look past it and see My hand that is bringing forth a reform to bring a reset because it is a rebirthing that is taking place at this time,” says the Living God.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Oct. 30, 2022
“Israel, in the midst of crying out In their bondage, yet God heard, God saw. But My Word declares that the Lord remembered, remembered his covenant. And so I say to you that are in fear in this time I have heard, I have seen, and I have remembered not only my covenant, my plan, but the covenants that are upon this nation. What did I do? I brought deliverance to Israel, and I bring deliverance to you America. Be not moved for at the time of the midday when the prophets of Baal dressed themselves, cut themselves, prophesied and cried aloud to seek the attention of the people. Yet I was silent. I did not answer until the time of a little bit of time that passed of the evening sacrifice, and I responded. Do not be moved by natural dates, times, outcomes, for they will carry on and they will cry. They will create a scene. They will even dress it up. But wait, This Is My time. This is My time,” says the Lord. “You have seen enough of what evil looks like. You have seen enough of what harshness feels like. Yet now you’ll see my judgements and you will see my mercy and I will inject my goodness in a way that you have not seen before. And with this goodness, it shall be as in the days when the prophet Elisha stood up and said, ‘This time tomorrow things will change, and you will eat to your heart’s content.’ Do not judge the midday as the final outcome of midterms. It is my turn. It is my turning,” says the spirit of God.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Oct. 30, 2022
“There are too many. There are too many in the earth that are afraid, anxious, on edge, wondering and waiting. What shall happen, what shall take place in the coming days and weeks? And yet, men look too much at their politics. Men look too much at the things that they see and hear upon the media. Men are looking too much at what was, what took place in 2020. And yet because they look at these things, they are as Lot’s wife who only could see a perspective of that which was of her flesh. For in the coming days and weeks, there will be things that will be undisputed. There will be things that will be disputed, and there will be things that will be refuted. There will be theft and stealing and fraud, and there will be delays, but there shall be victories as well,” says the living God.
“Yet some will say, ‘Here we go again. We’re going backwards. This will never change;” and others will hang their head in disappointment because they expected a different outcome. But listen to me. This is about my time. This is about my hands,” says the Lord.
Do not look to a day. Do not look to a midterm event for if you do, you will not fully understand that there is a moment where it shall be as though, ‘What is happening?’ Do not let this fool you, for Israel thought the same thing in the middle of the sea. The Egyptians are prevailing. We are but lost. Our freedom is but lost. And they looked to the left, they looked to the right of the walls, but they did not see that in the Spirit, My hand, My wind was blowing to consume that which the enemy did and was trying to do. And yet there was a great victory and there is victory for I have declared that there is an unraveling that shall continue to take place and there will be reversals that will reset this earth again.”
“…Do you think that I can inject goodness at this time that will overcome evil? Do you not see that I can inject truth that shall outweigh the lies? Therefore, I say, Do not put your hopes in just a day. For I am not limited to man’s time or to man’s day, I have said, and I say it to you so you will not be moved, this is my terms. This is my turning and believe me,” says the Lord, “you will see that darkness will not prevail. You will see my light will overcome and my truth will have its way and its voice in this day,” says the Lord.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Oct. 23, 2022
“…So look to the sky, and I speak this as the King of the air and the earth. There will be that which when you look to the sky, you will say, I wonder what is this? For there will be close calls, so they would say, of jets that will come to the very outer edges of your airspace. And there will be missile tests that will fill the air. And there will even be one missile with fire that shall cause men to fear and say, ‘Where shall this land? And what shall be the damage thereof?’” But God says, “I as the King of the air shall strike it down. And then they will say, ‘What is this? 45 is flying his plane again. What does this mean? We must stop him. We must raise up further attempts that he may never be seated again.’ So they shall say. But as the King of the air, I shall strike down their efforts and he shall fly freely proclaiming my agenda for this nation to raise it up great again.”
“…Therefore, do not be filled with fear when it looks like there is war or attempts to stop my agenda with 45. Look to the elements, they will speak loudly of my redemptive plan,” says the Living God, “for these signs in the natural shall be signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the nation, the nations of the earth. And when these signs fall and you see that which I have spoken, look at how the earth will be shaken. There shall be resignations from certain world leaders. Others will fall over and give their last breath. Others will be brought to justice and will be shown the evil deeds that they thought would never bring them to a place that they would be removed. But this shall happen now.”
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – May 23, 2021
God says, “I’m putting My hand even stronger upon two men in the earth. You will see it and there is celebration that is happening right now in the spirit realm as this anointing is going to increase. Their voice shall become louder, their positions shall be granted and given, and it shall be stronger. I speak of Netanyahu and I speak of Donald Trump,” says the Living God! “The enemy thought that he could divide Israel from the United States, but I said I would rejoin their hands again,” says the Living God. “I will rejoin their hands! I will rejoin the nations; Israel and United States I am not finished. You shook hands, Netanyahu and President Trump and there are still assignments that must happen now that both nations will have their return and their unmasking.”
“…You are forerunning something that is about to bust open and to manifest. There is a peace that is coming to Jerusalem, to Israel and there is a celebration that is coming to you, United States. I’m going to take away the old and what has been to establish the new. Can you hear the sound of the joining of the hands of the man in the lands of America and Israel? Are you ready for the great return? This promise is given to this nation, but to your children.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – September 17, 2022
“And I already spoke to you, watch Florida, there are three that shall arise with great authority and power to govern your nation. Where they thought they could stop Donald Trump,” God says, “now that anointing rests upon other political figures and it shall only get stronger. But not only this,” God says, “this anointing shall rest afresh as I restore your house called white and I will make it white again and I will cause it to be a light and it will be known as the lighthouse because of the magnitude of darkness. And then you will see this anointing rest upon your House, your Senate, your Supreme Court and the courts. What is this anointing,” says the spirit of God. “It is my anointing of preservation. It is my anointing that shall cause this nation to shine greater and my church the remnant to arise. And the more they afflict you, you shall grow.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Sept. 27, 2022
“…For the enemy has shaken and has said, ‘how can I remove Putin from the earth? How can I remove Netanyahu and President Trump from the earth?’ But there is an anointing, a cord of three strands that hell is afraid of, and shall now fall upon the other leaders that shall arise up out of Europe.” God says, “they will say ‘why are there so many females that are ruling the nations of the earth?’” Spirit of God says, “it shall not be with a Jezebel spirit, but it shall be with an anointing that shall bring forth justice and righteousness and liberty and freedom that shall break the skulls of those who have tried to steal the freedoms from the people of the earth!
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – July 13, 2022
“As men begin to push back, as people begin to push back, there shall be a pushback across the earth against controlling spirits, Marxist agenda, new world order. There shall be a pushback of the freedom that shall rise up. Rise up, rise up out of the people all across the earth. There shall be a rising up from the people of the earth, and they will push back, and they will stand for the freedoms. Can a revolution take place that is not with global bloodshed?”
Come on, the Spirit of God is asking us a question. “Can there be, do you believe, a global revolution without global war/global bloodshed,” says the Spirit of God. I speak to you and tell you that there shall be a rising among the nations of a pushback, for men are asking what does freedom look like, as they cry out in their countries. They’re about to see it. Some say, what does millions of people look like all in one place? You are about to see it, as there’s pushback that begins to arise. You will see on the screens throughout the nations, and will begin to gather, even in you United States, that the masses shall begin to gather, and they will say, ‘We have had enough. We’ve had enough. We’ve had enough!’ and they’ll raise their hands, and this is what they will say from their mouth, ‘We have had enough.’”
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Jan. 23, 2022
The Spirit of God says, “pay attention as the water was turned to wine, pay attention to the nations that gather, to the protests, for these signify great turning of events and there is coming a day as I turn and as I transform like I did with the water into wine. Pay attention for they will say, ‘I remember the days of mandates, I remember the days of forced vaccinations, I remember the days of masks, I remember what they called the pandemic…’”
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – Feb. 6, 2022
“Do you hear the sound of My footsteps,” says the Living God, “walking and moving among the earth at this time? And yet you have stood in the place of the spirit of agreement with Me declaring let the Lion roar. Do you really understand what you have added your decree and agreement with? For I say, look about the earth, you will see the manifestation of My roaring as protests are arising and the sound of roaring is, ‘We want our freedoms.’ This is not just human resistance, but this is a prophetic sound of the Lion of Judah and My roar reforming and reviving the nations….”
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – September 20, 2019
“…Pay attention,” says the Spirit of God, “for there shall be two ‘P’s’ in My pronouncement of light and in this revolution of light, this great awakening that I speak of, that the sound of the strike of the clock of midnight shall cause this new decade of distinction to begin to manifest and light to break forth,” says the Spirit of God, “and these two ‘P’s’, one: watch as it manifests across the earth, ‘Power outages’ and this shall cause men to fear. Why do you fear?” God says, “There shall be restoration of light and when the power switch comes back on, pay attention to the places for this shall be a unique sign to show that the awakening that I am bringing is greater than the agenda of hell that has been against the people of this planet.
Watch the second ‘P’ that shall manifest,” the Spirit of God says, “it shall be ‘Protests’ and it shall be in places where My light by way of My church has been hidden away. It shall begin to manifest, these protests, in places where My church and My people have been persecuted. I speak of Asia. I speak of China. China,” the Spirit of God says, “can you number them that is as numerous as the sand upon the seashore? Can you number them, those who sit in seats of government in China? My light, my church can you stop them? No, you cannot, for in this revolution of light what has been underground shall come above ground and I have caused the curtain of Communism to fall in the days of Berlin and Russia, and I will cause now a Bamboo Curtain to fall. And I will cause Asia, North Korea and South – one, to manifest a demonstration of My church coming to the light,” says the Spirit of God.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – November 27, 2022
“…Listen to me. Can it flood in places where they will say, ‘We do not understand why it is flooding here, but it has reached the fields. It has reached the highways, it has reached the byways, but it has stopped just before it has reached the town.’ This will be but a sign that my hand is saying to the earth that I am the Lord. It is a sign when you begin to see,” God says, “record numbers. It shall not be measured in inches, but it shall be measured in feet, feet, feet of snow. And you will say, ‘What is this that is happening? For they are not speaking inches. They are declaring feet. Has the earth gone mad? Has global warming changed the atmosphere? Has the earth shifted on its axis and caused these strange things?’”
God says, “when you see the size of what shall come by inches and feet, and when you see the abundance of rain, and then there shall be a strange thing that shall disrupt communications and they will say, ‘What is the sound?’ It is the sound of my hand bringing about the change. Swift changes that will begin to affect even the governments of the earth. It shall affect Brazil, it shall affect Bolivia, it shall affect Peru, it shall affect Mexico. United States, you are on my list, Canada, Australia; and watch what I do to shift Ukraine and bring things to a halt. This is the hour of swift change,” says the Spirit of God.
Pastor Hank Kunneman Prophecy – July 24, 2022
“This is the time that kings, leaders, and many are being brought before Me.” God says, “you will see more shake up in Europe and then you will see it in South America and through Central America. You will see some step down, others forcefully removed, others will be removed by the way of death; and you will see this begin to come even into North America for swift changes among those who rule by way of governmental rule and authority.
I am the one that is setting a new era. I am the one that is bringing new faces that righteousness and justice may be the plan, of not a golden era but a silver era of redemption.”