
You Are Being Upgraded In 2021

Jan 22, 2021 | Pastor Brenda Kunneman, Pastor Hank Kunneman, Prophetic Perspectives

Something Is Changing in 2021. Nothing of the enemy can stop the hosts of heaven. You are being upgraded in 2021 and beyond. The anointing of victory is upon you.

Right now, I just say that over you. Your circumstance is shifting for the better. Something is changing in 2021. What has seemed like a long season that nothing has changed or moved right now, I say it begins to move by the way of the spirit. It begins to move the way of God, in Jesus’ name. And nothing of the enemy can stop the release of the hosts of heaven that are surrounding your house, surrounding your life, surrounding your body, and we say the victory is yours in Jesus’ name. You’re being upgraded in 2021 and beyond. You’re being increased in 2021 and beyond. This is the time of great victory over your life in Jesus’ name.

Man, you said something. Something is moving. I want to do this very quickly. Those of you that are having problems with restricted movements in your body or you can’t move? Receive that anointing! No more restricted movements, no more not being able to move. Receive it now in the anointing of victory. In your body right now. Move something that you couldn’t do before. Receive it now in Jesus’ name.